Like many people, you may struggle to put yourself in others' shoes. This isn't always a big deal, but it can have major repercussions for your love life. Unfortunately, many men are unable to put themselves in women's
Imagine the following scenario: You are relaxing in your gym’s hot tub after a long, exhausting day of job-hunting. As you let the jets of hot water gradually relax the kinks in your neck and back, you look around at
Fitness is a quantifiable measure of health. It's a lifestyle, and it's a state of being that everyone wants to achieve. The problem is that the goal of perfect health and fitness seems to slip away as we age, and keepi
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The Health of Your Mouth Mirrors Your Overall Health Your mouth is a mirror that reflects your overall health and well-being, according to Donna E. Shalala in the Surgeon General's Report on Oral Health. It's also a k