Just Good Advice!

TBN Staff:   We came across this advice and just had to share.   ATTORNEY's ADVICE - NO CHARGE (Number 7 is the best) Not A Joke!! Even If you dislike attorneys...You will love them for these tips. Read this

Nine Social Security Facts

TBN Staff:  Here is another perspective on Social Security and your retirement income.  For younger people it is often easier to ignore this topic and many nearing retirement age believe they are at the mercy of the

Social Security: 3 Things to Know Before Taking Benefits Early

    By John Maxfield Deciding when to take Social Security benefits is one of the most important decisions you'll make in retirement. Should you take them at the earliest possible moment -- that is, at t

What are Your Last Wishes?

After your children have left the nest and work is winding down, you may decide to travel. If you find yourself frequently flying or traveling many miles in the car, it is important to consider safety. There is the chan

How to Keep the Romance Alive Even with a Pre-Nup

Usually, entering into marriage is a romantic time. Love fills the heart, and good thoughts abound. No one worries about splitting finances or fighting over assets. However, some couples are older, wiser, and decide to