elf-Medicated, what does it really mean? If you hear the expression “I self-medicate”, what does that mean to you? I often hear this from others when I am sitting in a support group setting and who are dealing with events in their life that has disrupted their norm. So what is the definition of self-medication? Does it have to be alcohol, drugs,
ow many times has your doctor told you, that you need to change your intake of food and the types of food. For many that is all the time. So why would we put so many things into our own body and yet if you were talking about your prized car or truck you would never think about putting junk in that tank. To keep your car running at its top performance y
From The TBN Staff: The intent of this article is to help the members of the forum to become more aware of issues we may face as we age and to highlight Prostate Cancer and Iodine. We don’t pretend to be medical experts yet many of us have faced this nasty adversary and overcome. Yet, others, not so fortunate. Please take a minute to review this article an
TBN Staff: We came across this Joke and just had to share. Followed by the article, should cause all of us to reconsider our approach to the daily grind or routine. After all it is about the quality and length of our lives! A bald, retired Army helicopter pilot walked into a jewelry store in a local mall this past Friday evening with a beautiful much youn
fter your children have left the nest and work is winding down, you may decide to travel. If you find yourself frequently flying or traveling many miles in the car, it is important to consider safety. There is the chance that an accident may occur, so it is essential to begin thinking about end-of-life wishes. This type of planning is extremely personal. How