Just Let It Go……..

TBN Staff: Ran across this story, and it simply resonated. How many times have we been told we can catch more with honey than vinegar? Or all the management strategies that encourage leaders to accentuate the positive

Does Size Matter? What Women Say

It's surely no revelation to say that men and women often view issues of sexuality in different ways. Consider, for instance, the maxim that "size matters." This cliche has endured for many years, but is it true that wo

Igniting a Romance When You’re Past 40

Sparking a romance with your partner when you're over 40 can be daunting. Whether your spouse is many years your junior, forty-something, or much older, she will have certain needs. She will desire ongoing attention, oc

7 Things to Motivate You to Get Off the Couch

We gentlemen of a certain age can probably think up thousands of excuses to get out of exercising. Some of my favorite examples are as follows: "I’m swamped with work."   "I try to eat healthy foods; isn't

10 Places to Go When You are Over 40

We’ve all seen the guy at the bar or club who’s significantly older than everyone else, and none of us want to be him. If you’re 40 or older, though, you’re approaching the danger zone. In addition to sticking o