1. Never under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.2. If you had to identify, in a single word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and will never achieve, its full potential, that word would be"meetings".3. There is a very fine line between a "hobby" and "mental illness".4. People who want to share their
Suicide is Not Painless The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responder's through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receiv
TBN Staff: Ever wonder why they are so illogical? Why they don’t listen to reason? Why they make everything so difficult? Well it might be time to check out the man in the mirror and learn a little more about “emotional intelligence”. By Kendra Cherry Updated October 05, 2016 "Anyone can become angry - that is easy. But to be a
After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Walmart. Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunately, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse and leaves me with endless time to fill. Yesterday my dear wife received the following
TBN Staff: Paul, a researcher for “Rehab 4 Alcoholism” from across the pond in England wrote to "The Back Nine" and offered this article regarding depression related to addiction, specifically alcoholism. We found the article very informative and worth publishing. Please if you suffer from depression take a few minutes and consider the information in t