Words of Wisdom

Back 9  Staff: Here are a few words of wisdom offered by one of our readers.  We found ourselves smiling and remembering a few more that had been shared with us during our upbringing as well.  We recommend you take a moment and read a few on the list over the course of several weeks to let them revive the some of the teachings your parents shared along the way.  These little diddys may well bring a smile your way or a chuckle in your heart.  You may also decide to share a few of your own with the rest of us!  We have decided to keep this as a “running” list, so don’t forget to revisit it from time to time!


1) Go for women you perceive are out of your “league” – You’ll surprise yourself but remember “where there is a Ying there is also a Yang”

2) Never have sex with someone who does not want it as much as you

3) Never hit anyone unless they are an immediate threat

4) Every hat should have a purpose

5) Never take her to the movies on the first date

6) Learn to wet shave

7) Shave with the grain on the first go round

8) Nothing looks more badass than a well-tailored suit, that’s why women invented the tux

9) Always look the person in the eye when you talk with them

10) Preparation makes the roughs spots pass a little easier – Buy a plunger before you need a plunger

11) Excercise will make you happy.  Run, Lift and play sports while you can

12) The order of things is important, brush your teeth before you put on your tie

13) Invest in YOUR future – A small amount of each paycheck (even in retirement) should go to savings

14) Call your parents every week

15) Be true to yourself in all things – Never wear a clip on tie

16) Sincere presentation will open doors – Give a firm handshake

17) Compliment her shoes

18) Never leave a pint unfinished

19) Measure the size of the man by the size of the things that bother him

20) Be aware of your body language

21) Never point a gun at someone unless you intend to shoot them

22) Never lend anything you are not willing to lose

23) everybody likes to talk about themselves, ask more questions offer no advise

24) Prepare for the unexpected – Keep a change of clothes at the office

25) Minimize rework – Buy high quality tools, you will only need to buy them once

26) Manliness is being able to take care of others

27) Go with the decision that will make for a good story

28) Always demonstrate respect – stand when you shake someone’s hand

29) If you are not confident, fake it – Confidence will come with experiance

30) When you walk look up, submissive creatures always look down

31) Nice guys do not finish last – Boring guys do

32) Find your passion and figure out how to get paid for it

33) Don’t let the little head do the thinking for the big head

34) We are all God’s creatures – No matter their job or status in life, everyone deserves your respect

35) The first one to get angry loses

36) Life Happens, own it or be a victim – the challenge is to overcome adversity

37) Take off the bandaid quickly – Whining and complaining won’t lessen the pain or quicken the healing process

38) Never stop learning – turn off the electronics

39) Always go out into the public dressed like you’re about to meet the love of your life

40) Don’t change to make someone happy, unless that someone is you

41) If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room

42) Luck favors the prepared

43) Women find confidence sexy as hell

44) Do whatever you wan to do in life, but be the best at it

45) Enjoy life – no ones final words have been they wished they had spent more time toiling at work or amassing more riches to leave behind






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